Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

...and they are off...

It's always sad when the trip comes to an end. We were very happy that you chose to spend your vacation with us in Arizona. We had a blast and hope you come back again. Have safe travels and enjoy the cold Wisconsin weather!



The end of the trip...

Chris wanted to go to a bead store so Randy & I headed over to Rock Bottom to have a beer while she shopped. I figured Chris would have no pressure on her to go quickly this way. She found some really cool beads and they had to make another trip back to get more.

On our way back to the house we saw some adult Gamble Quail that had some babies with them. The babies were about 2 inches tall and were so cute. We all got out of the car to see them but we couldn't get a decent picture of the babies. We decided to walk back to our house from there...

Holly and I made cupcakes from her cupcake recipe book...too bad my Beaker looks like a ghost and I don't know how to spell Sam's nickname!

Randy tried my green beer...didn't like it too much...

Thought of my Mom when I dumped all this ice out!

Holly with Victor...and him giving her a good-bye Head Butt.

Our final dinner together...

The Railroad Museum...

The Presidential Family...

Tuesday afternoon we went to the Railroad Museum. I thought it would be perfect for Nick to be able to ride a train. The above picture is taken from the railroad car that President Eisenhower and Roosevelt used in their campaign.

Here is Nick getting into his train car...

Here we are as we start the train ride. Nick is so excited!

These are some pictures of the route the train takes...

There is a tunnel along the way...Nick didn't know what to think at first!

And a notice sign...

They also have a smaller train that you can ride but it was closed for the day...

Here are some pictures from the Pullman Railroad car that was used by 4 different presidents--they are on the back of it in the first picture.

Here is the kitchen and the cookbook...

The dining table and the brass feet on the chairs to add stability...

The bunk beds and sitting area for the guests...

The back room where they entertained or had meetings...

Here is a picture of Nick and Holly in the same pose as the picture

The back of the train where they would stand, wave and shake hands as the President went thru towns...

Some neat pictures of the kids playing around...

Hey Nick, pull your pants up...oh boy, do you think his pants are too big or his is trying to be in style with the latest fashion...

Some other neat pictures...

Cool picture...